
University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine

Combined Degree Program

School Name:
University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
Reno, NV

Contact information:
Main campus
Office of Admissions and Student Affairs
School of Medicine
Reno, NV 89557-0071 USA
(775) 784-6063
(775) 784-6194
Medical School Website

Baccalaureate/MD Program

Undergraduate college(s) where baccalaureate degree will be completed: University of Nevada, Reno

About this program
Nevada high school graduates may apply for provisional acceptance to the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine through the BS-MD program. Students admitted to the BS-MD program matriculate as undergraduate students at the University of Nevada, Reno. They work closely with an undergraduate academic advisor to develop a plan of study in preparation for medical school and are supported by a full-time School of Medicine learning specialist.  BS-MD students must complete all requirements for graduation from the University of Nevada, Reno, and meet grade, GPA, MCAT, and experiential requirements outlined in the BS-MD Student Handbook to matriculate into medical school.

Website for further information click here to visit the program’s website.

In-state Out-of-state International Total
Baccalaureate/MD 12 0 0 12

BS/MD Programs 2019 – 2020

(914) 909-3915 Free 15 minute advising session
phone Free 15 minute advising session