It is very important, regardless of your academic success, that you have a superb interview experience when applying for medical school, residency, or fellowship. Whether you need practice answering basic interview questions such as, “Can you tell me about yourself?” or more difficult ethical questions, your MedEdits consultant will help you feel confident on interview day. After a thorough review of your background information, you will have a 60 minute one-on-one mock interview session via phone or Skype. Not only will we advise you about how to answer questions, but we will also suggest which topics distinguish you as a candidate and how to ensure that these topics are addressed during your interview. We can also hold multiple mini and school/program-specific interviews. Schedule your session with a MedEdits Consultant via the scheduling links below.
Sign up and schedule your mock interview.
To purchase a package or service, please follow these steps.
Step 1: Payment
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*If you do not hear from MedEdits promptly, please check your spam/junk folder or contact us. By submitting payment, you agree to our terms and conditions.
After payment is submitted, we will send you a diagnostic inventory questionnaire to complete and directions on how to proceed.