
Pre-Medical Yearly Advising Packages

Let’s talk about

Premedical Yearly Advising: Create a Strategy

With MedEdits’ yearly advising package, you will have access to your MedEdits faculty member for an entire year. Designed to offer a comprehensive solution for premedical students applying to medical school in 2026 or later who want continuous and reliable access to a premed advisor, each package includes four formal advising sessions and unlimited messaging with your faculty member via your dedicated collaborative workspace for an entire year.

Medical schools review all post-high school and premedical years when evaluating applicants. Therefore, careful planning before you apply to medical school will ensure you have all of the experiences and coursework necessary to be the most competitive applicant. If you choose to work with us throughout your premedical years, we can ensure you have the foundation necessary to be a competitive applicant when you apply to medical school. What we discuss during your advising sessions will depend on your stage of education, but, here are some topics we cover:

✅ Coursework and major
✅ Research experience
✅ Community service and advocacy/equity experience
✅ Teaching experience
✅ Clinical experience
✅ Hours recommendations (how much experience is needed)
✅ Niche building
✅ MCAT strategy and timing
✅ Summer and gap year planning (if applicable)
✅ Academic enhancement (if necessary)
✅ Letter of recommendation planning
✅ Premed core competency development guidance

All annual advising packages include four advising sessions and access to a dedicated workspace so you can message us throughout the year. If you need help with any summer or internship applications, documents or mock interviews, additional fees apply.

Premedical advising is perfect for:

  • High school students
  • College students
  • Post baccalaureate students
  • Special master’s students
  • Nontraditional applicants

MedEdits’ Pre-Med Yearly Advising Packages (ideal for applicants applying in 2026 or later)

Assistant Professor Yearly Advising Package

$ 1,200
  • Four advising sessions
  • Online collaborative workspace
  • Unlimited messaging

Professor Premed Yearly Advising Package

$ 2,200
  • Four advising sessions
  • Online collaborative workspace
  • Unlimited messaging

Assistant Professor

Monthly Payment Plan
$ 120 Monthly cost
  • Billed Monthly for 12 Months

Assistant Professor

Annual Payment Plan
$ 100 Monthly cost
  • $1,200 Billed Annually
SAVE $240


Monthly Payment Plan
$ 200 Monthly cost
  • Billed Monthly for 12 Months


Annual Payment Plan
$ 183 Monthly cost
  • $2,200 Billed Annually
SAVE $200
(914) 909-3915 Free 15 minute advising session
phone Free 15 minute advising session