
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Combined Degree Program

School Name:
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Newark, NJ

Contact information:
Main campus
Rutgers New Jersey Med School
Office of Admissions
185 South Orange Avenue C-653
Newark, NJ 07107-3001 USA
(973) 972-4631
(973) 972-7986
Medical School Website

Combined Degree Programs
Baccalaureate/MD Program

Baccalaureate/MD Program

Undergraduate college(s) where baccalaureate degree will be completed
Caldwell University; Drew University; Montclair State; New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT); Rutgers University-Newark; Stevens Institute of Technology; The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) 
About this program
The program consists of three years at an undergraduate school followed by a four-year medical program. Although not used to determine admission, the MCAT must be taken prior to matriculation. Promotion to the medical school is contingent upon achieving grades of B or better in all premedical courses and maintaining an overall grade point average of at least 3.5 each semester. The baccalaureate degree is awarded by the undergraduate institution upon completion of the first year of medical school. The MD degree is awarded by NJMS upon successful completion of all NJMS degree requirements.
Website for further information

In-state Out-of-state International Total
Baccalaureate/MD 22 0 0 22

BS/MD Programs 2019 – 2020

(914) 909-3915 Free 15 minute advising session
phone Free 15 minute advising session