
Postbaccalaureate and Special Master’s Pre-Medical Program Application Editing Only Packages

Compose Winning Admissions Documents

MedEdits has a deep understanding of your “target audience” and can help you write medical admissions documents that are captivating and persuasive.

In the beginning, some clients start working with MedEdits by having a one hour Game Plan/Brainstorming session. During these sessions, we discuss what topics should be addressed in the personal statement and application. Alternatively, a la carte editing services can also be purchased.

Keep in mind, MedEdits does not generate written materials on your behalf.  However, as part of the editing process, we offer extensive written suggestions.

Below is a list of some of the topics we will help you with.  Our suggestions include, but are not limited to:

  • Activities
  • Achievements
  • Personal challenges

Also, we suggest how to highlight those experiences, story lines, and topics that medical admissions officers find especially significant.

Remember, we have helped thousands of students get admitted to post graduate programs. A large part of this success is because of our unique essay and document coaching methodology.

RELATED: Should I Pursue a Special Master’s Program or a Master’s in Public Health?

premedical post baccalaureate programs
medical school application editing best medical school admissions advisors Postbaccalaureate and Special Master’s Pre-Medical Program TMDSAS Application Help

To purchase premedical post baccalaureate programs or SMP program services, please follow these steps:

1) First, Submit payment below (click “ADD TO CART”). If you do not hear from MedEdits promptly, please check your spam/junk mail or contact us. By submitting payment, you agree to MedEdits Terms and Conditions.

2) Second, Email your documents* (including an up to date CV) to: info@mededits.com. Remember, include your name in the subject line of the email. All documents submitted must be in Microsoft Word. We cannot edit pdf files.

Postbaccalaureate and Special Master’s Pre-Medical Program Editing Services

Personal Statement Editing

Price: $900

Personal Statement Editing (rough draft up to 850 words, includes up to three revisions)

Primary Application Edit

Price: $1,800

Personal Statement Editing (rough draft up to 850 words, includes up to three revisions)
Application Entry Editing (entries must adhere to character limits, includes up to three revisions)

Additional revisions of previously edited documents can be purchased for $75 each, if needed.

If you do not hear from MedEdits promptly, please check your spam/junk mail or contact us. By submitting payment, you agree to MedEdits Terms and Conditions.

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