
Fellowship Match Primary Application Editing Services

Your MedEdits consultant personally evaluates each document submitted to us. A member of our professional editorial staff also reviews each submission. Every MedEdits client therefore benefits from his or her consultant’s medical admissions expertise and receives a professionally edited document. This offers a distinct advantage over the single review offered by competitors.

Your written application materials must distinguish you from other applicants and are used by fellowship admissions committees as a primary screening tool that determine if you are invited for an interview. Applicants are often put in the rejection pile because their documents seem mundane or ordinary. Although grades and USMLE scores speak for themselves, the personal statement and written descriptions of extracurricular activities and accomplishments are crucial. Sometimes applicants do not spotlight their accomplishments by failing to embellish and highlight them adequately. Any flaws in your background must also be presented strategically. We will thoroughly review your application and make comments and suggestions on how best to present yourself to admissions officers.

To purchase a service, please follow these steps.

Step 1: Payment

Submit payment below. Click on the BUY NOW button (below) to pay via PayPal or credit card.

*If you do not hear from MedEdits promptly, please check your spam/junk folder or contact us. By submitting payment, you agree to our terms and conditions.

After payment is submitted, we will set up your account and send directions on how to proceed.


Fellowship Editing Packages

Price: $1,800

Personal Statement Editing (rough draft up to 850 words, includes up to three revisions)
Application Entry Editing (entries must adhere to character limits, includes up to three revisions)
(914) 909-3915 Free 15 minute advising session
phone Free 15 minute advising session