3 Steps to Ace Your College Application Supplemental Essays

Supplemental college essays are a great opportunity for you to research a school and demonstrate your knowledge.

3 Steps to Ace Your College Application Supplemental Essays
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Don’t assume that just because they are called “supplements” that they don’t matter. You’ve spent years working on your GPA, months studying for the SAT and ACT, weeks perfecting your Personal Statement.

3 Steps to Ace Your College Application Supplemental Essays

Step 1: Give them your full time and attention.

While you might feel like you are out of steam, skimping on the writing supplements is not an option. Give them your full time and attention.

3 Steps to Ace Your College Application Supplemental EssaysStep 2: Reveal additional sides of yourself in the writing supplements.

Don’t write about what has already been covered in your Personal Statement. The supplemental writing questions are there for you to provide other and different information from what the admissions’ committees already know about you. Think about what content your Personal Statement comprises. And then reveal additional sides of yourself in the writing supplements.

3 Steps to Ace Your College Application Supplemental EssaysStep 3: Research the school and demonstrate your knowledge.

Don’t be generic about the school-specific, “Why Oberlin,” “Why USC,” or “Why NYU” essays. Do not write that it is “the best school,” “my first choice, “cool to be in New York.” This is an opportunity for you to research the school and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of how you will both take advantage of all the opportunities offered to you, as well as how you will contribute to the community in a meaningful way.


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