
Fellowship Admissions Consulting Services | MedEdits

Fellowship Match Admissions Services

MedEdits assists fellowship applicants by developing a personalized plan to help you match with the program of your choice. We will discuss a time line for completion of tasks, your specialty choice, elective rotations, the number of programs to which you should apply, selection of faculty recommendation writers, personal statement topics, and how to down-play any weaknesses in your application and highlight your strengths.

Fellowship Diagnostic/Discovery Session

MedEdits assists fellowship applicants by developing a personalized plan to help you match with the fellowship program of your choice. We will discuss a time line for completion of tasks, your specialty choice, elective rotations, the number of programs to which you should apply, selection of faculty recommendation writers, personal statement topics, and how to down-play any weaknesses in your application and highlight your strengths.

Fellowship Comprehensive Services

MedEdits is invested in the success of our clients and we develop a personalized fellowship admissions consulting consulting strategy based on your needs. We ensure that your individuality is highlighted through your activities and that you are not “over-packaged.” A career in medicine is a life-long commitment and we embrace the philosophy that you should not simply do what is necessary to “get in” but that you should enjoy and learn from the process.

Fellowship Editing Only Packages

Your MedEdits consultant personally evaluates each document submitted to us. A member of our professional editorial staff also reviews each submission.

See also:

Fellowship Interview Services

We have interviewed hundreds of applicants and have a behind the scenes understanding of what goes on after you interview. Through fellowship mock interviews and interview coaching, we can prepare you for interview day. Since we understand the different styles of interviews, we can help you prepare answers for both the “conversational” interview and the “stress” interview.

The MedEdits Advantage

MedEdits consultants are all experienced academic medical educators who pride themselves in providing support to, and working with, students. All of our consultants have served on medical admissions committees for at least five years and have made pivotal decisions about applicants’ fates. Dr. Jessica Freedman, our company’s founder, has hand selected each consultant to ensure that he or she upholds MedEdits ideals by offering the most up to date guidance, based on knowledge and experience, with professionalism and warmth.

(914) 909-3915 Free 15 minute advising session
phone Free 15 minute advising session