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Medical Schools in Illinois

Medical Schools in Illinois

Medical Schools In Illinois: Rankings & Information

There are nine allopathic and osteopathic medical schools located in Illinois. Although a few of them accept a large percentage of in-state applicants, most medical schools throughout Illinois accept a large percentage of out-of-state students. Many of the best medical schools in the United States are located in Illinois including the University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences The Pritzker School of Medicine and Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, which both rank in the top twenty for research by US News and World Report.

Illinois is a popular state for medical school applicants. In fact, the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science received almost 12,000 applications last year.

Let’s take a look at all the medical schools in Illinois:

Osteopathic Medical Schools in Illinois

Good medical schools in Illinois

How Competitive are you for Medical School Admissions in Illinois?

To determine your competitiveness for an Illinois medical school you must review the average MCATs and GPAs for accepted students as well as the medical school acceptance rates. For out of state students, it is important to pay attention to how many out of state students are interviewed and what percentage are in the entering class each year.

So, how difficult is it to get accepted into an Illinois medical school? Let’s review the data. Below are the average MCAT scores and GPAs, interview rates for in state and out of state applicants, acceptance rates, percent of entering class that is in state, and tuition for all medical schools in Illinois.

Admissions Statistics for Allopathic Medical Schools in Illinois:

Carle Illinois College of Medicine

GPA 3.67
MCAT 512
Interview Rate(s) N/A
Acceptance Rate N/A
Percent of Entering Class In State 12.5%
Tuition $50,750 in state|$63,000 out of state


Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science

GPA 3.62
MCAT 509
Interview Rate(s) 17% in-state | 6.8% out of state
Acceptance Rate N/A
Percent of Entering Class In State 33%
Tuition $56,464 (all)


Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine

GPA 3.72
MCAT 510
Interview Rate(s) 10% in-state| 4.5% out of state
Acceptance Rate N/A
Percent of Entering Class In State 36%
Tuition $57,425 (all)


Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine

GPA 3.91
MCAT 520
Interview Rate(s) 8.8% in-state| 9.3% out of state
Acceptance Rate 7.1%
Percent of Entering Class In State 24%
Tuition $58,691 (all)


Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center

GPA 3.63
MCAT 509
Interview Rate(s) 11.9% in-state| 7.4% out of state
Acceptance Rate 5.8%
Percent of Entering Class In State 34%
Tuition $52,657 (all)


Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

GPA 3.72
MCAT 506
Interview Rate(s) 23.2% in-state | 0% out of state
Acceptance Rate N/A
Percent of Entering Class In State 98.5%
Tuition $35,467 in state


University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences The Pritzker School of Medicine

GPA 3.91
MCAT 520
Interview Rate(s) 12.9% in-state | 12.9% out of state
Acceptance Rate 4.6%
Percent of Entering Class In State 23%
Tuition $54,525 (all)


University of Illinois College of Medicine

GPA 3.73
MCAT 512
Interview Rate(s) 31.0% in-state | 4.5% out of state
Acceptance Rate 7.4%
Percent of Entering Class In State 84%
Tuition $49,843 in-state | $97,021 out of state

Best Medical Schools in Illinois

Admissions Statistics for Osteopathic Medical Schools in Illinois

Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine

GPA 3.61
MCAT 507
Interview Rate(s) N/A
Acceptance Rate N/A
Percent of Entering Class In State N/A
Tuition N/A

Top medical schools in Illinois

So, what can you do to increase your chances of getting accepted into an Illinois medical school?

If you are not from Illinois, then the only school which might be completely out of reach is Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, which only accepts in state students (primarily those from southern Illinois). However, most medical schools in Illinois take a large percentage of out of state applicants. When evaluating how competitive you are, be honest with yourself. Are your MCAT and GPA close to the metrics for accepted students? If not, consider retaking your MCAT or enhancing your GPA. With so many medical colleges in Illinois, most located in or close to the vibrant city of Chicago, you are given the unique opportunity to collaborate with a network of medical students and professionals. It is no surprise that hopeful applicants often apply to a handful of Illinois schools.

Assuming you have the MCAT and GPA that are waiting range for accepted students at Illinois medical schools, it is imperative that you compose thoughtful and consider application materials (application entries and personal statement) which will convince your reviewer to click the “interview” button. Also important are your secondary essays and letters of reference. In other words, while your “number” will determine if you meet thresholds for an interview, it is your written application that determines if you will be invited for an interview.

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